Invisalign treatment can repair a variety of incorrect bite relationships, including open bites, overbites, underbites, and crossbites, in addition to merely straightening outcroppings of teeth. The upper and lower teeth fail to come together properly in all these aberrant biting relationships, colliding instead of gliding against one another.
The most well-liked removable dental brace is Invisalign, a state-of-the-art alternative to conventional braces by Liberty Orthodontics. Without the visible brackets and wires that come with traditional dental braces, Invisalign aligners gradually and gently reposition teeth into their ideal positions. The almost undetectable Invisalign braces are comprised of medical-grade polyurethane resin.
When wearing braces, you run the risk of experiencing gum disease, receding gums, abfractions (dentations at the gum line), cold sensitivity, worn, chipped, or broken teeth, as well as tooth loss. The teeth are in their most stable position when they are properly aligned and the bite is corrected, which lowers their risk of wear and trauma.
You may brush and floss your teeth normally while using Invisalign aligners because they are removable, helping you to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Bits of food that get stuck in the wires and brackets of traditional braces can be difficult to remove, which can cause gum disease and tooth decay.
The clear aligner therapy offered by Invisalign is intended to be convenient and comfortable. Before moving on to the next aligner in the series of custom aligners, each one is worn for around two weeks, or roughly 22 hours per day. You can brush and floss your teeth regularly while wearing the aligners, and you can take them out to eat and drink.
Another advantage of Invisalign over conventional fixed braces is that you can remove your aligner to engage in activities like sports and other activities while still straightening your teeth. With a sequence of precisely scheduled and regulated movements of the teeth, Invisalign aligners offer much greater control over the teeth-straightening process than metal braces do. They also feature smooth edges that make them more comfortable.
Your Magnolia Orthodontics must keep a close eye on the teeth to make sure they are moving as intended. Every six weeks or so, on average, your dentist will want to assess your progress. Aligners from Invisalign are personalized for a precise, cozy fit. Your teeth will move somewhat throughout treatment with each aligner, both vertically and horizontally and, if necessary, even rotated.
Whatever your age, alignment, or bite issue, Invisalign clear aligner therapy can give you the smile of your dreams while also enhancing your physical and oral health, giving you more self-assurance.
With Invisalign, you just need to visit your dentist every four to six weeks, and it is simpler to see the outcomes of the treatment at each stage of the procedure, which usually takes 12 months and requires wearing the aligners for roughly 22 hours per day.
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